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2,445 thoughts on “

    • It was Paula Hesselink – now that lady is in more dire need of a leg shaking orgasm than anyone in that place that identifies as a biological hetero female. – it doesn’t happen so she watched Blue Jays games (her kid sucked playing baseball) – and is just mean to people. She could retire but what would she do? Sit in the house and be disconnected from all narcissistic supply.

  1. why have all the hr staff left in the last year?

    why have all the CEP staff left in the last year?

    problems start at the top…

    kevin and nancy are creating toxic workplaces

  2. Will there ever be followup or an internal investigation to someone, clearly an Executive Director or higher, telling someone posting here to kill themselves less than a month ago? Good thing we have 10 paid psychology sessions a year! With our bosses telling us to kill ourselves hopefully we won’t need to use them all.

    • Unfortunately not, as this is the usual management practice of bullying employees to keep them quiet or get them to quit. The RPL has lost a lot of good employees to this practice. The morale will keep low and beatings will continue. Back to the oars everyone.

    • I’m not your boss – my recommendation is just continue to be yourselves. There is nothing better than watching miserable human beings to be checked out of life and biodegrading.

      Personally yes, I’d recommend you all self suicide as you offer nothing.

      The alternative is to wait for cancer to arrive and I truly hope each and every one of you to beg for morphine that will never take the pain away. The added bonus is hoping your children get to see this.

      If one of your kids o.d on fentynyl well you should have been a nicer more balanced person.

    • I highly doubt it was anyone that works at the RPL. You realize this is an open site and anyone on the internet can comment? Reading through the comments on this site, you all do come across as a whiny bunch of entitled government workers. I have no affiliation with the library. My friends and I just often make fun of this site for existing.

      • Wow, you have friends? That is almost impressive. What would have been more impressive is if you and your imaginary friends actually went to a library and read a book. Instead of just colouring one. Sincerly, whiny entitled worker who can read.

        • You should maybe look into reading a book on how to give good insults. Your insults could use some work.

          The fact we care about our libraries is the reason we laugh at this site. It seems like a small handful of disgruntled current and former employees who just want to badmouth the org (it is an easy guess who some of the most frequent contributors are…).

  3. Is there a conflict of interest when an Executive Director’s spouse caters the yearly Board meet and greet event? Kevin Saunderson doesn’t think so…

    With all these REAL investigations I wonder how long it takes the media to catch up to corruption and nepotism amongst the EDs at RPL?

      • Wow that is a poor choice of words. Especially considering the season. Did Santa not bring you what you wanted? So now you spread your anger towards others. Or this your usual attitude? Sigh, this place could do with such better management than this

    • Daisy’s Pantry is a very legitimate catering company and some of the best catering in the city. Regina is a small city. Calling this an act of corruption is a stretch.

  4. Library regular here… why is RPL’s facebook and insta so bad? There’s so much going on! and nothing online. i just got back from Toronto for a few years andhonestly it’s embarassing… not hard to do socials its so sad just the same templates over and over. Don’t know who does this or if there is actually someone who does it but sad

  5. Wishing RPL and its staff nothing but peace and love. In today’s world it’s important to think critically – and who can do this better than well read librarians, full of philosophy and social science? But so often RPL suffers because of toxic gossip and feelings of entitlement. We can’t control it all. Let’s choose our battles wisely and in between moments of tension, may we realize we are one team with one common goal. Let’s do away with bitterness and enjoy the beauty of life and of service. Humility and loving speech is key. Namaste. 🙏🏼

    • Furthermore, let us continue to work together in a spirit of service and compassion for the community of Regina and far beyond. We all have worked very hard to earn our positions within RPL. We argue against principles, not people, as we all are humans who deserve respect at a basic human level. We can practice loving-kindness. 🙏🏼💜

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